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Kama Sutra A Position A Day

E-book - «Kama Sutra A Position A Day». Summary of the book:

From 'The Peacock’s Tail' to 'The Tiger’s Claw', and ‘The Reckless Grasp’ to the ‘Seated Sigh’, give every position a go and treat yourself to a year of seriously great sex.
Whether you want slow, sensual lovemaking or a quick, orgasmic fix, find a sex position demonstrated for every time, place, and mood in this gorgeously visual guide that’s stylish, fun, and just a little bit naughty.
Sensual and spiritual – sometimes gymnastic, always fantastic – here is the ancient sex manual of the Kama Sutra brought up to date for a whole new horny readership.
Сделайте каждый день сексуальным приключением с 365 способами достичь вершины удовольствия.
От "Павлинего хвоста" до "Когтя тигра", от "Безрассудной хватки" до "Вздоха сидя", попробуйте каждую позу и побалуйте себя годом действительно отличного секса.
Хотите ли вы медленных, чувственных занятий любовью или быстрого оргазма, найдите сексуальную позу, продемонстрированную для любого времени, места и настроения в этом великолепном визуальном руководстве, стильном, весёлом и немного озорном.
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Kama sutra

A Position A Day

Illustrated by Alicia Rihko

Kama sutra


Time out of mind, we’ve loved spicing up our sex lives with a little variety. Have you ever wanted to dazzle a new lover with your wicked invention? Or to refresh the long-cherished intimacy you hold with the familiar love of your life? Or to try something totally new just for the fun of it? As it turns out, so did our ancestors.Here you’ll find a position for every day of the year, inspired not only by the most famous love text in history but by other classic authors. Who hasn’t heard of the Kama Sutra? Written some time between the second and fifth centuries by the great yogi Mallanaga Vatsyayana, its aim was not just to share naughty secrets but also to reflect on the whole nature of pleasure, love, and how to live a fulfilling life. A grand work indeed, but not the only word on the subject: here you’ll find tips from other classics – the Smaradipika, the Ananga Ranga, the Panchasayaka, the Ratikallonlini, books written by poets, scholars and philosophers to enlighten lovers across the ages. If all that sounds scholarly, don’t worry: yourself and your partner are all you need to bring to the table... or bed, floor, staircase or anywhere else you fancy.People are sexy creatures, whenever or wherever they’re born, and we love to experiment. We all know that different positions are one way to shake things up: sex is a physical conversation and the stance you strike at the beginning can do a lot for your tone. But there’s more to it than just different twists and angles. Human beings are creative, and we like to work together making new and beautiful things. As the ancient writers taught us, sex can be part of that: to try new ideas in bed is to sculpt with sensation, to paint with love. Artists of former times knew that sex could be an art.

There are lots of ways you can read this book. You can leaf through, looking for a new favourite and trying whatever takes your eye. You can take on the huge and hilarious challenge of attempting one position every day – and whether you succeed or not, there’s no question you and your partner will be the happier, funnier and closer for giving it a shot. If you’re after something specific, you can also flip to the end, where you’ll find a Random Selector pointing you towards our particular recommendations for whatever mood you’re in. Some of these positions are sensual, sleepy or spiritual caresses. Some of them are limb-bending, brow-raising feats to make you feel tingly and clever all over. All of them are a door to a creative playground where you and your lover can run wild.




the pulsing embrace

A loving and sensual full-body caress.“Meditate to the beat of your partner’s heart”

the almost-kiss

The Kama Sutra says this is for young virgins, but don’t let that stop you. “A fluttering breath of temptation”

“The delicious full-mouthed swallow“sucking the mango stone

A timeless way to their heart.



rolling the pearl

Lightly massage with fingertips either side, moving in gentle counterpoint.

DAY 004

“Treasure your partner’s clitoris with delicate skill”

the snake embrace

Eyes closed and heads averted, experience pure sensation.the knight’s salute

No need to kiss chastely – let your lips and tongue plead your case. “Twine together in unthinking bliss”

“A courtly gesture no-one can resist“



DAY 007

kshobaka (stirring)The Kama Sutra describes this lapping movement as drinking at their sacred fountain.

“Stir your tongue between their wide-held thighs”

DAY 008

the cupped bowlFingertips at the base of the skull are chaste, but astonishingly intimate.

“Succumb to a state of pure nurture”

DAY 009

lovers’ greeting

A wonderful way to reunite, no matter how long you’ve been parted.“So happy together you could dance on air”

“See, yearn … wait for their word”

“Twine thigh-to-genital and twist in mutual delight“

flaunting the prize

This is one for the true show-off.the braided reeds

A sleepy, sensuous caress for lovers newly acquainted.



DAY 012

love’s flag

Let yourself grow light-headed with sensation as they thrust.“Raise a salute to your passion”

the pestle

A delicious chance for them to let their hips do the talking.“Lie still while your lover grinds you to ecstasy”

“As one drinks at their lover’s delta, the other drinks pure air”the lifting vessel

A vibrant position for the one on top to free themselves from shyness.



DAY 015

piercing the darkness

Don’t be shy: tell them how much you love this.“A flare of excitement that’s sure to dazzle”

DAY 016

the waving bow

Playful and exciting at once, this is a charming way to seduce your lover.“Tickle them to distraction with your tresses”

DAY 017

forehead embrace

For a meditative thrill, focus only on those places where you touch.“Caress mind-to-mind in a gentle embrace”

the stray cur’s trick

A naughty nip goads them into punishing you.“Press together so your bodies seem almost to penetrate one another”

“For extra fun, get on your hands and knees, staring at them provocatively“milk and water

An embrace that can melt without warning into lovemaking.



DAY 020

the wild boar

A little caution: as the Kama Sutra says, save this for moments of intense passion.

“A fierce bite to mark your beloved’s skin”

the circling tongue

The Kama Sutra advises you probe with your nose and chin as well as your mouth.“Wind and wind around until their head spins”

“A light circle of marks on a beautiful breast”the stormcloud Gentle but firm, a tease to bring passion to a lightning frenzy.



DAY 023

the seat of sport

A sweet position recommended by the Smaradipika. “Play together with innocent delight”

DAY 024

the parted waves

A comfortable position for easy entry.

“Mingle and merge for infinite enjoyment”

DAY 025

winding the thread

With each downward stroke, add a little twist over their most sensitive point.“A turn of the hand to entangle their heart”

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